How important is good copywriting to my business? Hint: It’s HUGE

Every day we are bombarded with hundreds if not thousands of messages from companies trying to get your attention. What makes you pay attention? Great copy.

Published on 02 August 2024

Good copywriting grabs your audience with compelling headlines and engaging copy that can either help them, support them and speaks to your customers’ needs and wants, addresses their big concerns and ultimately, tells them why they should do business with you.

How you write is how you communicate your business’s personality and values to the world. It’s consistent over the website, social media, marketing materials, and content, helping you develop a strong brand identity.

Think about multi-million pound firm Innocent Drinks. How do they talk to their customers? They talk about being eco friendly, how supporting them helps people around the world and communicate values of global mindset, sustainability, Net Zero, and ethical business – but you’ll probably not see those words on their website.

Instead, you’ll find them talking about “helping fellow humans” giving an online tour of their new green factory and knitting hats for their bottles. In other words, they make it easy for people to learn about their company and feel part of their community.

Good copy converts readers into customers. Whether the goal is to get them to sign up to their newsletter, download a free resource such as a white paper, or buy something, persuasive writing is key.

Good copywriting also builds trust and provides clear, accurate and useful information – and once people have found it helpful, then they are more likely to return to your site for more of the same.

But what about SEO?

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) improves your business’s visibility online by ranking how well it performs for keywords that your customers are typing into search engines like Firefox, Google, Bing or Yahoo.

Good copywriting effortlessly integrates relevant keywords naturally, ensuring that your content ranks well. And better-written content also keeps visitors on your site for longer, which is another good rating for your site.

If you’re thinking “but I can’t think what to write!” then Gillian Heggs, copywriting queen for B2B companies, corporates and SMEs is here to help you stand out to your customers and build a community of loyal fans.