Below are some cases which address both impact and professional standing
(i) Invited talk at the Philological Society (2019)
Along with my co-investigator, Dr Melanie Green (Sussex), I was invited to speak at the prestigious Philological Society (see below). The project generated considerable interest, and we obtained very valuable feedback for our grant application. . Philological Society, London (February 2019)
(ii) Invited talk at the IFRA (2019)
I was invited (with my co-investigator/-author, Dr Melanie Green (Sussex)) to speak at a Symposium on Naija (the language that has developed in Nigeria out of Nigerian Pidgin), organised (and funded) by Institut Français de Recherche en Afrique (IFRA-Nigeria) at the University of Ibadan, in late June 2019. The symposium was attended by specialists of creoles and pidgins of various countries and institutions (Cameroon, Hong Kong, Nigeria, UK). The Symposium as a resounding success, and drew considerable attention and positive reactions, activated by a . A report of the Symposium is available .
(iii) Reviewer
Research: I am an expert evaluator for the European Research Executive Agency, evaluating Horizon Europe project proposals and monitoring the implementation of funded projects. I have also reviewed grants proposal for the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation). Additionally, I serve in the selection panel (Languages and Literatures) for the AHRC-funded Midlands4Cities Doctoral Training Partnership (M4C).
Scholarship: I am a regular ad hoc reviewer for journals (Journal of Linguistics, English Language and Linguistics, Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory, World Englishes), publishers (Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, Edinburgh University Press, Routledge, Pearson Longman, Palgrave), and conferences (Corpus Approaches to Lexicogrammar, LAGB).
(iv) External Examiner
- Swansea University (2024-): BSc English Language and Applied Linguistics; BA English Language and TESOL
- Arab Open University (2023-present): BA (Hons) in English Language and Literature
- University of Reading (2015-2020): MA Applied Linguistics (campus and distance study); MA English Language Teaching
- King’s College London (2016-2021): BA/MA Linguistics programmes run by the Modern Languages Centre
(v) Other roles
- Elected academic staff member for the Faculty Academic Committee (ADH)
- Faculty academic support for EDI student advisors (ADH)